
Thursday, November 12, 2015

C.A.L. November News


Each month I will be posting the C.A.L. newsletter on this blog, and on the Creative Cardinals Facebook page. The monthly newsletter features events that occur or will be occurring in Computers, Art, and Library, as well as projects the students are working on. The newsletter also features fun art activities for you and your family members to participate in, and includes November’s featured artists of the month. You don’t want to miss it!
Be a pal, and read all about C.A.L.!
*Hint: After clicking on the picture of the newsletter, if you right click, then click view image, there should be a zoom option to enlarge the newsletter for easier reading purposes.

Monday, February 16, 2015

President Portraits

Happy President's Day! I hope you all are enjoying our 4 day weekend. Last week, the 2nd graders took part in a fun art project inspired by President's Day...and what better day to share their project with you than ON President's Day!

The 2nd graders Presidents Day project was chalk self portraits with marbled splattered backgrounds. First, the background was made by using marbles to create a paint splatter effect. The student's rolled their marbles in paint and then rolled the paint marbles back and forth on a white paper. Next, the student's were asked to draw self portraits...but not just any plain self portrait... a self portrait that resembled what they would look like if they were a president some day. The portraits were drawn in chalk and then glue to their red, white, and blue splatter background. Lastly, the students were asked to write a sentence or two on what they would do if they were President of our country. The student's had so much fun rolling their marbles in paint and imagining themselves as President's. Great work 2nd Grade!

 Artist: Student #09
 Artist: Aidan
Artist: Student #08
Artist: Deion
Artist: Student #11
Artist: Katie
Artist: Keaton
Artist: Student #12
Artist: Mia
Artist: Noah
Artist: Pearl

Artist: Student #10

Students rolling their marbles to make a paint splatter effect. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Clay Creations Sneak Peak

Clay Creations was so much fun last week that I couldn't wait till the student's projects were dry and painted before I posted photos. The students made coil animal pots out of self drying clay. The clay has now hardened and is waiting to be painted on the last week of class. More pictures to come of the final projects.  

 Artist: Abigail
 Artist: Student #17
 Artist: Amanda
 Artist: Camille
 Artist: Connor
 Artist: Student #15
 Artist: Desi
 Artist: Grace
 Artist: Student #14
 Artist: Lou
 Artist: Max
 Artist: Solai
 Artist: Waverly

Some photos of the sculptors hard at work!

Can't wait for all of you to see the finished creations! Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

7th & 8th Grade Keith Haring Mural

Last month 7th and 8th grade studied street pop artist Keith Haring. The students learned about the artist and his career, as well as, learned from his artwork that all artists have their own distinct styles.  

The student's learned about Keith Haring's wacky and colorful style and were given the assignment to create a class mural that was inspired by Haring's work. The mural was a group effort and reached leaps and bounds over how I expected it to turn out. I highly recommend seeing it in person on the art bulletin board in the hallway of the school by the office. The pictures don't do it justice. Great job 7th and 8th grade!

 Getting started....

 Almost there...

 Mural created by Allie, Matthew, Jack, Bradley, Manuel, Abraham, Josh, and Lou

 On display in the hall way at school
 Keith Haring
About Keith Haring: During a brief but intense career that spanned the 1980s, Haring’s work was featured in over 100 solo and group exhibitions. In 1986 alone, he was the subject of more than 40 newspaper and magazine articles. He was highly sought after to participate in collaborative projects ,and worked with artists and performers as diverse as Madonna, Grace Jones, Bill T. Jones, William Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Jenny Holzer, Yoko Ono and Andy Warhol. By expressing universal concepts of life milestones using a primacy of line and directness of message, Haring was able to attract a wide audience and assure the accessibility and staying power of his imagery, which has become a universally recognized visual language of the 20th century. Throughout his career, Haring devoted much of his time to public works, which often carried social messages. He produced more than 50 public artworks between 1982 and 1989, in dozens of cities around the world, many of which were created for charities, hospitals, children’s day care centers and orphanages.

The mural the class used for inspiration.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Saved It For A Rainy Day

The 3rd and 4th grade took full advantage of the recent rainy weather and instead of staying cooped up indoors waiting for the sky to clear up, we put on our rain coats, and went outside to make some rain art. First, the students were asked to paint a pattern or use a mixture of colors on watercolor paper using watercolors. After filling their whole paper with colors of paint, the students stepped outside and let the rain work it's magic! As the rain drops fell on their papers the rain blended with the water color paint creating beautiful mixtures of colors and patterns. Here are some examples of some of the student's rain art that truly made a SPLASH!

 Artist: Samantha
 Artist: Hoben
Artist: Nick
 Artist: Catie
 Artist: Abigail

 Artist: Amanda
 Artist: Camille
Artist: Student #17
Artist: Solai
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