
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

1st Graders Crazy Hair Self Portraits Using Lines

The 1st graders have been learning about the 7 elements of art (line, color, space, texture, value, form, and shape) and this particular art lesson focused on lines. The students learned that lines are not just straight. A line can be swirly, squiggly, dotted, dashed, zig-zag, and the list goes on. The 1st graders practiced using different types of lines by drawing self portraits of themselves with extra crazy colorful hair. Each section of their crazy hair had to contain a different type of line. The kids loved this project and their hard work definitely paid off. Great job 1st grade!

 Artist: Laci
 Artist: Peyton
 Artist: Emilia
 Artist: Makenzie
 Artist: Bridget
 Artist: Ian
 Artist: Lilyan
 Artist: Hasita
 Artist: Eliza
 Artist: Julian
 Artist: Student #07
 Artist: Mark
 Artist: Jaden
 Artist: Olivia
 Artist: Samantha
Artist: Student #06

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