
Monday, February 9, 2015

Clay Creations Sneak Peak

Clay Creations was so much fun last week that I couldn't wait till the student's projects were dry and painted before I posted photos. The students made coil animal pots out of self drying clay. The clay has now hardened and is waiting to be painted on the last week of class. More pictures to come of the final projects.  

 Artist: Abigail
 Artist: Student #17
 Artist: Amanda
 Artist: Camille
 Artist: Connor
 Artist: Student #15
 Artist: Desi
 Artist: Grace
 Artist: Student #14
 Artist: Lou
 Artist: Max
 Artist: Solai
 Artist: Waverly

Some photos of the sculptors hard at work!

Can't wait for all of you to see the finished creations! Stay tuned!

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