
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Saved It For A Rainy Day

The 3rd and 4th grade took full advantage of the recent rainy weather and instead of staying cooped up indoors waiting for the sky to clear up, we put on our rain coats, and went outside to make some rain art. First, the students were asked to paint a pattern or use a mixture of colors on watercolor paper using watercolors. After filling their whole paper with colors of paint, the students stepped outside and let the rain work it's magic! As the rain drops fell on their papers the rain blended with the water color paint creating beautiful mixtures of colors and patterns. Here are some examples of some of the student's rain art that truly made a SPLASH!

 Artist: Samantha
 Artist: Hoben
Artist: Nick
 Artist: Catie
 Artist: Abigail

 Artist: Amanda
 Artist: Camille
Artist: Student #17
Artist: Solai

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