
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

7th & 8th Grade Keith Haring Mural

Last month 7th and 8th grade studied street pop artist Keith Haring. The students learned about the artist and his career, as well as, learned from his artwork that all artists have their own distinct styles.  

The student's learned about Keith Haring's wacky and colorful style and were given the assignment to create a class mural that was inspired by Haring's work. The mural was a group effort and reached leaps and bounds over how I expected it to turn out. I highly recommend seeing it in person on the art bulletin board in the hallway of the school by the office. The pictures don't do it justice. Great job 7th and 8th grade!

 Getting started....

 Almost there...

 Mural created by Allie, Matthew, Jack, Bradley, Manuel, Abraham, Josh, and Lou

 On display in the hall way at school
 Keith Haring
About Keith Haring: During a brief but intense career that spanned the 1980s, Haring’s work was featured in over 100 solo and group exhibitions. In 1986 alone, he was the subject of more than 40 newspaper and magazine articles. He was highly sought after to participate in collaborative projects ,and worked with artists and performers as diverse as Madonna, Grace Jones, Bill T. Jones, William Burroughs, Timothy Leary, Jenny Holzer, Yoko Ono and Andy Warhol. By expressing universal concepts of life milestones using a primacy of line and directness of message, Haring was able to attract a wide audience and assure the accessibility and staying power of his imagery, which has become a universally recognized visual language of the 20th century. Throughout his career, Haring devoted much of his time to public works, which often carried social messages. He produced more than 50 public artworks between 1982 and 1989, in dozens of cities around the world, many of which were created for charities, hospitals, children’s day care centers and orphanages.

The mural the class used for inspiration.

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