
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Second Grade Primary Parrot Paintings

The Second Grade Class also used parrots to learn about what primary colors are. To create their parrots I first showed them a step by step demonstration on how to draw a parrot using shapes. Although my directions were the same or the whole class, each student's parrot drawing turned out different, which is the beauty of art and creativity. Each person's mind works differently, which is what makes each person so unique. Secondly, I told the student's to draw a scenery around the parrot such as branches, trees, flowers etc. Thirdly, they painted their parrots using watercolors and were only allowed to use red, blue, and yellow while painting. All secondary colors that you see in their paintings was created by the student whilst learning which primary colors to mix together to create a secondary color (orange, green, and purple). I love how these parrots turned out and for this being the second graders first project of the year I was down right impressed.

Artist: Student #13
Artist: Deion
Artist: Keaton
 Artist: Katie
 Artist: Aidan
 Artist: Pearl
 Artist: Noah
 Artist: Student #12
 Artist: Student #08
 Artist: Student #10
Artist: Student #11

Artist: Mia

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