
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Saved It For A Rainy Day

The 3rd and 4th grade took full advantage of the recent rainy weather and instead of staying cooped up indoors waiting for the sky to clear up, we put on our rain coats, and went outside to make some rain art. First, the students were asked to paint a pattern or use a mixture of colors on watercolor paper using watercolors. After filling their whole paper with colors of paint, the students stepped outside and let the rain work it's magic! As the rain drops fell on their papers the rain blended with the water color paint creating beautiful mixtures of colors and patterns. Here are some examples of some of the student's rain art that truly made a SPLASH!

 Artist: Samantha
 Artist: Hoben
Artist: Nick
 Artist: Catie
 Artist: Abigail

 Artist: Amanda
 Artist: Camille
Artist: Student #17
Artist: Solai

1st Graders Crazy Hair Self Portraits Using Lines

The 1st graders have been learning about the 7 elements of art (line, color, space, texture, value, form, and shape) and this particular art lesson focused on lines. The students learned that lines are not just straight. A line can be swirly, squiggly, dotted, dashed, zig-zag, and the list goes on. The 1st graders practiced using different types of lines by drawing self portraits of themselves with extra crazy colorful hair. Each section of their crazy hair had to contain a different type of line. The kids loved this project and their hard work definitely paid off. Great job 1st grade!

 Artist: Laci
 Artist: Peyton
 Artist: Emilia
 Artist: Makenzie
 Artist: Bridget
 Artist: Ian
 Artist: Lilyan
 Artist: Hasita
 Artist: Eliza
 Artist: Julian
 Artist: Student #07
 Artist: Mark
 Artist: Jaden
 Artist: Olivia
 Artist: Samantha
Artist: Student #06

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Second Grade Primary Parrot Paintings

The Second Grade Class also used parrots to learn about what primary colors are. To create their parrots I first showed them a step by step demonstration on how to draw a parrot using shapes. Although my directions were the same or the whole class, each student's parrot drawing turned out different, which is the beauty of art and creativity. Each person's mind works differently, which is what makes each person so unique. Secondly, I told the student's to draw a scenery around the parrot such as branches, trees, flowers etc. Thirdly, they painted their parrots using watercolors and were only allowed to use red, blue, and yellow while painting. All secondary colors that you see in their paintings was created by the student whilst learning which primary colors to mix together to create a secondary color (orange, green, and purple). I love how these parrots turned out and for this being the second graders first project of the year I was down right impressed.

Artist: Student #13
Artist: Deion
Artist: Keaton
 Artist: Katie
 Artist: Aidan
 Artist: Pearl
 Artist: Noah
 Artist: Student #12
 Artist: Student #08
 Artist: Student #10
Artist: Student #11

Artist: Mia

Primary Parrots

Kindergarten and First Grade's first art lesson was learning about what primary colors are. Primary colors include blue, red, and yellow, which are used in creating secondary colors such as green, purple, and orange. Kindergarten created Primary Parrot's using paper plates, and 1st grade created Primary Parrot Puppets using paper bags. The students painted and colored their parrots only using red, blue, and yellow. During the project the students discovered that when blue is mixed with yellow, green is created. When red is mixed with blue, that is how purple is created. And when red is mixed with yellow that is how orange is created. In my opinion these parrots are some of the cutest parrots I have ever seen.

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